3.6Million PopulationTotal population in the region%66Young Population63% of the population in the region is under 30 years of age350Million $Export $ 350 million to 61 different countries3.Farmland3. Turkey's largest agricultural land3000Hour3000 hours sunshine12.2Billion TLAgricultural activity income is TL 8.3 billion annually
1.7Million PopulationTotal population in the region%63Young Population63% of the population in the region is under 30 years of age159Million $Exports to 61 different countries $ 159 million7.FarmlandTurkey's 7th largest farmland3000Hour3000 hours sunshine5.2Billion TLAgricultural activity revenue is TL 3.3 billion annually
1.9Million PopulationTotal population in the region%68Young Population68% of the population in the region is under 30 years of age191Million $Exports to 61 countries $ 191 million3.Farmland3. Turkey's largest agricultural land3000Hour3000 hours sunshine7Billion TLAnnual agricultural income is TL 5 billion